Monday, June 30, 2008


I read a To A Temporary Place in Time and Away From Icebergs. I didn't look at all the listings but the three are looked at and the two I read were by academic librarians and I would have liked the public library perspective. Most staff, even ones who don't think they are techie use the internet for lots of their day to day needs. I certainly use the databases instead of getting up and walking to the stacks for basic info needs. But considering the explosive increase in library usage since the economy is doing so poorly, it is hard to relate to an academic library circ dropping 55%. Research needs can often be answered more easily on Wickipedia or Googling, but to truly understand a subject, you need to read a book, often more than one.


I one is interested in blogs, it appears to be a good way to organize and search.

I could see that soical tagging could be useful to librarys for sites that answer frequently asked questions or will lead students to the resources to complete research for school projects. Some teachers seem to assign projects that are far more complicated then they seem to realize. This would allow reference librarians not to keep having to re-invent the wheel.
Week five was the most fun. I really enjoyed playing around in the generators, making a family crest, etc

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

RSS Feeds

A friendly staff member helped me make setting up my account and find some blogs I was interested in. It wasn't difficult, but the tutorial was too long, poorly written, and made something that could be done easily seem very difficult.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I found it easy to navigate Flickr and find subjects of interest. I found the selection of photos on the whole disapointing.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I think blogs could be useful for reader's advisory. Short reviews could be posted on books, audiobooks, DVD's. We are always looking for suggestions for patrons who want something new.
The hardest thing for me will be helping staff with less computer knowledge than I have because the I have no experience with a lot of we are going to be working with.